Opening hours

January and February
Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
from 2 pm to 5 pm

March to December
Tuesday to Sunday
from 2 pm to 5 pm


Am Fleth 43
25348 Glückstadt

Admission prices

admission: 4,00 €
reduced: 2,50 €

About the museum

The Glückstadt Detlefsen Museum was founded in 1894 and has been housed in the Brockdorff Palace at Fleth 43 since 1969. At that time it still shared the rooms with the town library. Since 1992/93, the stately building on Fleth has been used exclusively for the museum and the city archives. Since 2015, only the museum has been housed in the Brockdorff-Palais and presents its collection on over 1000 square metres.

Our collection areas

Get married in a historic farmhouse parlour

Say ‘I do’ in our enchanting 18th century Döns, a sumptuously furnished farmhouse parlour from the Holstein Elbmarschen.

Current exhibitions

Want to travel back in time?

Immerse yourself in the year 1650 and experience a virtual summer morning at Glückstadt harbour. Fire a salute when the Danish king arrives.

Thanks to the support of the Schleswig-Holstein State Library, a historical VR application has been realised in collaboration with Dataport.

Current events


Vortrag: Das Atelier für Photographie von Wilhelm Mehlert: Sein Leben für die Fotokunst in Glückstadt

Time: Wednesday, 4. December 202416:30 - 18:30 / Detlefsen-Museum (1.Obergeschoss)
Den Vortrag hält: Christine Berg (Glückstadt)

Vortrag: Die Überstellung von Arbeitshausgefangenen aus der Landesarbeitsanstalt Glückstadt in das Konzentrationslager Neuengamme

Time: Wednesday, 15. January 202516:30 - 18:30 / Detlefsen-Museum (1.Obergeschoss)
Den Vortrag hält: Dr. Reimer Möller (Schleswig)

Filmvorführung: Stumpfe Sense – Scharfer Stahl, Bauern, Industrie und Nationalsozialismus

Time: Friday, 17. January 202519:00 - 21:00 / Detlefsen-Museum
Stumpfe Sense – Scharfer Stahl, Bauern, Industrie und Nationalsozialismus 90 Min. | 1990 Regie: Quinka Stoehr, Kay Ilfrich und Jens Schmidt   Kurzinhalt 1928 beginnen die Bauern in Schleswig-Holstein angesichts einer tiefgreifenden Agrarkrise gegen die Staatsgewalt zu rebellieren. Mit dem Boykott von Zwangsversteigerungen, schließlich auch mit Bomben kämpfen sie um den Erhalt ihrer Höfe. Die […]

Vortrag: Das Frauenasyl in der Blomeschen Wildnis. Engagement für Straffällige im 19. Jahrhundert

Time: Wednesday, 5. February 202516:30 - 18:30 / Detlefsen-Museum (1.Obergeschoss)
Den Vortrag hält: Dr. Ortwin Pelc (Hamburg)

Our partners and sponsors

Visit the museum virtually?

With the help of our virtual and digital exhibitions, this is possible from the comfort of your own home or classroom.